I’ve been on a mini-album making spree. Some on request, some for my children and some just for fun using new dp that I just purchased and some using old, old, old dp that I am trying to use up.

This one is one such album that uses age old paper.

This is the cover.

That little bit of pink paper on the right flips up to reveal more journaling space.

I think the paper is by American Crafts, but then again I am not sure so dont hold me to it.

The dark purple paper on the right is not crooked IRL. Must be the angle I took the picture.

The sayings are allΒ by DCWV. I layered the vellum on cardstock for sturdiness.

A few PTI dies have been used repeatedly throughout the album for consistency. Flourish stamps are by Autumn Leaves and the journaling lines stamp is by Rusty Pickle.

So that’s it for today.

